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Our visitors are always asking us to recommend good places to eat and interesting things to do. Because we are locals and know most of the places in town, we thought it would be a nice idea to put a list of suggestions together, telling you where to go. We would appreciate your feedback about your experience, so that others may enjoy the same.
Please click on the name of the place to find out more and get directed to them.
Grab the day by the eggs!
Lunch & Dinner
Dinner is ready to be surfed - Wasaga has something to offer
Stay in and enjoy your lovely cottage...
Fine Dining
Enjoy something special - you derserve it!
Bars & Nightlife
Find out for what Wasaga Beach is notoriously famous!
Sweets & Ice Cream
Keep calm and treat yourself:)
Hollywood Cottages | Wasaga Beach Restaurants near Hamilton, Canada
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